Pediatric Dentistry
Kids Friendly Dental Office
Let Farwest Dental Group help your child have a beautiful and healthier smile. Our dental practice has been serving patients in Wilmington and its surrounding areas since 2006. We offer a full scope of pediatric dentistry and orthodontic services, from teeth cleaning and cavity prevention to oral health instruction and restorative dental services. Trust our friendly pediatric dentists to handle your child's dental needs. We provide quality dental care in a warm and welcoming environment.
Our practice can provide a wide range of dental services for your children. Our flexibility in our services saves you time and keeps your total dental care within one practice. Our emphasis is on total preventive care for our patients. Total care begins with regular hygiene visits, regular check-ups, and continued home oral health routines.
We provide many preventative measures to keep your child’s teeth clean and healthy, including sealants and fluoride treatments. We also educate the parents in early detection of some common problems children may face, including thumb sucking, bruxism, and baby bottle tooth decay.
Our primary goal for your children’s dental development is to achieve and maintain optimum oral health through advances in techniques, and technologies and by maintaining their scheduled dental exams.

The ABCs of Teething
Teething's to blame. At least that's what many parents think when babies cry, drool, or just put objects in their mouths. But actually, teething is a perfectly natural process and not the painful childhood experience many think it to be.
Just how long a baby teethes depends on the child. But usually, babies teethe for about two years after the first tooth appears. It's a period when the teeth grow into place gradually. They don't really "cut" through the gums as many parents imagine.
Check to see if your baby's teething. Just look in his or her mouth and if the gums appear irritated, red, and puffy, then nature's right on course…your baby is teething.
And now while you are looking in the mouth, a white blanched area means a tooth is ready to come through the surface. Sometimes, you'll be able to see the tip of the tooth in the gum.
Now if you looked but did not see any of the baby's new teeth, then simply press your thumb firmly on the gums and quickly take it away. The shape of the unexposed tooth will appear for just a second beneath the tissue.
There may be some discomfort in teething. If so, a recommended procedure is to clean the baby's mouth with a damp gauze pad about three or four times a day. Follow that by giving the baby something to bite on - a proper teething ring, toast, or even a soft toothbrush. If the baby resists eating for a while, don't worry. The situation should soon improve.
If the condition worsens and other symptoms appear, such as fever and nausea, don't assume teething's to blame. When these symptoms appear, it's time to call your pediatrician.
Finally, don't be concerned if your baby drools heavily. That's normal for healthy children, who haven't yet developed the necessary muscle control to keep saliva in their mouths. Many things stimulate excessive saliva production, including foods, smells, and strange tastes so again, don't worry. As with teething, drooling is a natural process that your child will soon outgrow.