3D Cone Beam Technology
3D IMAGING TECHNOLOGY PROVIDES OUR DENTISTS with an extraordinarily detailed image in a high of your entire mouth, an important diagnostic tool in your overall dental health care.
The Cone Beam 3D CT Scan offers the highest level of surgical predictability, resulting in successful surgical outcomes for patients.
Lower patient cost than a medical CT and over ten times less radiation compared to a medical CT.
A quick and easy 14-second scan produces the most anatomically accurate 360-degree visualization of the mouth, face, and jaw.
Limits patient exposure time to radiation.
Reduces surgery time.
Within minutes of the Cone Beam 3D CT Scan, dentists are able to offer patients an immediate virtual diagnosis and treatment plan all in one visit.
The 3-D data can easily be shared with a patient’s periodontist, oral surgeon, orthodontist, implant placement, or medical practitioner.